The Toulmin method is an extremely detailed analysis of an argument, in which an argument is separated into its various components and the utility in which such components interact. We identify and evaluate the validity of claims, theories, and proof through this method.
Component of Toulminβs method
A claim is indeed a core theme, a thesis, or a concept. The claim is what the argument is going to say, imply, and conclude.
The reasons given for supporting the claim are grounds. It is facts, evidence, and background idea that strengthen claims.
Warrants are the argument 's core rationale. The warrant ties the argument to the ground.
The backing is the basic facts needed to substantiate and support the claims and warrant.
5.Counterargument / Rebuttal:
This portion discusses potential objections to the claims
This is additional detail to the claim, which adds to the counterbalance of complexity and precision of its assumptions.