Post Class Reflection (20th August 2020)

The class began at 10:00 AM on 20 August 2020. We all participated in the class via the google meeting link which was forwarded by our respected professor h  Eak Prasad Duwadi. he was very happy because his article got published on the news on that day.

45 students joined the class within 5 minutes. Our professor decided to take a survey. The survey was on the topic that how much the student appreciated the online class and which was their favorite subject. most of the students voted for English class. After the survey came to the end the presenter was ready for their group the presentation. Alice Rana and Shreyash Shrestha presented in the poem "The lunatic by Laxmi Prasad Devkota".

Aman Shrestha and Pawan Subedi addressed on the topic "Keeping errors at bay by Bertrand Russell" They discussed it separately. The discussion gave us a concrete idea about the topic. their discussion was clear and concise. After that Suman Upreti and Nishar Vaidhya gave their presentation. Their presentation was a group presentation. Their group introduced on the topic of "The Stub Book by Pedro Antonio de Alarcon".

After that, Aman Tamang, Anish Karna, and Ririk Rimal came with their group presentation on the topic of "Mr. Know all". They presented very well. Our professor also appreciated their group presentation. Our professor clarified the topic, which the presenter did not elaborate on. The class was finally finished at 11:35 AM.