Fast food and human health(12 August, 2020)


Fast food is the most popular among the people in the present tense. Nowadays, people consume so much fast food that triggers many health issues.  Therefore, the Government needs to implement innovative policies and schemes to address these issues and, particularly the rate of taxation on these fast foods,  should be raised to a greater degree. Fast food, I assume, is the major cause of numerous kinds of gastrointestinal and digestive diseases.

Fast food contains many spices with a lot of additives in it. Such spices and additives are the most harmful for different body organs. If we regularly consumed that food then, it causes disruption in the functioning of body cells and inevitably that would result in the irregular development of any hormone and enzymes in the body and concurrently the immune system of the body will not cope with all those problems and individuals would suffer various forms of illness. For instance: In China, many people take fast food every day. But, several of them are found to have a number of skin, gastrointestinal, and digestive issues. All this demonstrates the detrimental side of taking so much fast food in daily life there.

To Escape out of this problem both government and individual should have to take a strong commitment. The government in one way could implement new plans, programs, output thresholds, and new tax policies to solve this fast-food issue, though individual actions are still the most important thing. A high rate of taxation on this food is one of the most important ways of solving this issue. If a heavy tax is imposed on this food, the price of the fast-food will be too high so that citizens will not make an effort to eat this food every day.

In conclusion, I would like to say the fast-food intake rate should be minimal. The government and the public should function hand in hand to minimize the usage of this fast food.