Letter to the university Vice-chancellor about inconveniencies caused by internal politics (Free writting of August 5, 2020)

Gaighat, Udayapur

August 5, 2020

The Vice-Chancellor

Kathmandu University

Dhulikhel, Kavre

Dear sir,

I want to highlights to the point that the internal strikes are becoming the daily routine of internal political groups.

These strikes affect not only the administration of the university but also the productive time of the students. University is like the temple for the students and if these are exposed to such strikes, it will severely affect the mentality of the students. Also, this will shift the academic calendar, resulting in extension of the graduation course of the student.

So, being a chancellor, you should be more serious on this matter. Such activities should be restricted to the university premises. If they have some issues with administration, it should be sorted out peacefully rather than doing such strikes.

Yours faithfully

Bikram Singh Bhattarai