DATE 29 April 2020
TO Dr. Daniel Tuladhar
Head of the Department
FROM Bikram Singh Bhattarai
Research Assistant
SUBJECT Urgency of training lab technicians with
safety and precautionary measures.
As Research Assistant of Kathmandu university, I can see a different problem in the lab that may create problems for the students and techniciansβ safety, so I kindly inform you to work on this subject and fixed it as soon as possible.
As you know that our university has installed different new machines, equipment and also kept new chemicals in our lab. Our technicians are not familiar with these machines and I think there is much necessity of training our lab technicians to use this new equipment in a proper and safe manner. Besides these, we should also teach them safety and precaution measures.
Our department should provide safe practices training and procedures to employees, lab technicians in each research laboratory and also should provide personal protective equipment in order to protect them from potential health and physical hazards. The special safety and precautionary guideline should be established in laboratory practices which promote a safe working environment in the lab.
So, I think you will surely come up with these all things in nearly coming future.
Yours sincerely
Bikram Singh Bhattarai