The class began at 9:00 a.m. on 30 July 2020. We have all entered the class via GOOGLE MEET link sent our respected Eak Prasad sir. we had to enter into google meet in 15 minutes. There were approximately 49 candidates. After that, the speakers began to give a presentation. In the beginning, the presentation was presented by Rajan Adhikari. Everyone has seen the Swan Song video. Manoj Acharya had a turn, to give the presentation, but due to a certain issue, he couldn't give the presentation. The introduction of the Memo was given by Mr. Suyash Acharya. The technical issue of Manoj Acharya was solved and he presented it. Sir advised the others to be alert for the next class talk. And the topics which were not been cleared by my friends were explained by my professor. And I became able to understand the topic. The lecture ended at 11:30 Am