Email to professor requesting for supervision of project (FREE WRITTING OF 27 AUGUST, 2020)


Subject: Request for the supervision of our project 

Dear Prof Dr. Bibek Baral,

We are a student of mechanical engineering. Currently, we are in our second semester of studying mechanical engineering. We have made a group of 6 students and we want to request you to be a supervisor of our project.

we are aware of the fact that no project is possible without group effort and professor supervision and guidance. We will care all about these things and want to do one of the best projects in Kathmandu University. For this, we think you would be one of the best supervisors, we want. we write with great assurance that you would be of tremendous help to us in doing our project. Moreover, having gone through your research interest, we found it a perfect match with our career dreams! Your research fascinates us. we have often desired to be part of a team where we would learn and as well contribute immensely to making the better project through excellent research and supervision.

we would like to become outstanding Engineers in the future and we believe your supervision and help will surely help us to attain our ambition. It will be a great privilege and honor to work under your supervision – an academic with a great international reputation. We are confident that you will serve to mentor us towards achieving our group career project. we have attached the detail of our project member in the below document so, kindly go through it.

Thank you, Sir!


Yours Sincerely,

Bikram Singh Bhattarai