Write an argumentative paragraph on β€œScience is a lot more than formulas and theories.” Your argument may be complemented with ideas from Huxley’s β€œWe Are All Scientists” and Ramachandran’s β€œThe Making of a Scientist.”

 For me, Science is about gaining information through observation, research, experience, or practice. Comprehensive knowledge gained through research is about discovering myths, revealing reality, uncovering nature-hidden phenomenons. Observations and experiments, in research, assisted by structured processes and procedures in explaining reality and facts.

 Science is not only deriving formulas and making hypotheses and theories. I think science is the boundless area from where we can acquire knowledge. For instance, exploring nature, our daily activities, even our life, and death involve scientific activities. But why are we are limiting this boundless science to only formulas and theories? So I think defining science as only formula and theories will be quite incomplete.

 In reality, there is more to science than just gathering information. As a science student, I may undertake systematic and well-organized inquiries to figure out the facts and gain a deeper understanding of the universe. As a science student, I am of the opinion that truth exists and I can learn about it through research. And learning all these truths of the universe is science. So, I think it will be quite unfair to limit a science area to only formulas and theories.

 To illustrate this fact I surely talk about the essay β€œWe are all scientist”, this essay talks that every individual are the man of science and their regular activities is a scientific activity. I think this is a supporting fact that science is not limited since it involves every activity in this universe. And we all human beings are using this nature for our lively hood, and I think regulating life is also scientific activities.

 β€œThe making of the scientist” also tries to support the facts that science is not limited, it is a boundless area. This essay claims curiosity, dominantly driven by obsession, and pathology can aid a person to have a career in science. This clearly states that a person to be a scientist must have high dedication and should study any subject deeply. I think the more we study the more will arises, so in this universe, I think every investigation is not a complete one, I think it is a lot more than that. so limiting science is quite unfair.