Concept paper on the problem of water shortage

Water scarcity problem

in the village

Bikram Singh Bhattarai
Member of the community development office,
Gaighat, Udayapur


There is a high water shortage problem in my villages. It is a daily struggle for my village to secure even the minimum amount of water for its everyday needs. Rural households have come to rely on pond water for 85 percent of their needs in the absence of public water sources. Due to the unavailability of public water sources, Ie.tap, not only the human but also the animals are being affected. This problem has affected the ecosystem of our village.


1. To provide one tap for one house in the village.

2.To distributed pure drinking water to all the villagers.

3. To draw the focus of environment conservation office for finding and reducing the root causes behind the water scarcity 

Causes of water shortage

In the past time, there were many water sources available in our village. We villagers used to depend upon those water sources for our livelihood and household works. But by the time passes on those water sources are now drying up or becoming too polluted to use. More than 80 percent of water sources have disappeared. We, villagers, found rapid population growth, urbanization, and deforestation major causes for the existing water shortage problem. 

Effect of water shortage on ecosystem

  • Inadequate drinking water causes people to drink contaminated water from anywhere which causes different communicable diseases on the people.

  • Bringing water from long distant water source wastes an effective time of the people.

  • Due to water scarcity in the village, the greenery environment of the village is worsened out.

  • Most species of plants and animals in the forest are now being rare.

Project description 

There are about 2000 houses in my village. On average each house uses 200-300 liters of water daily. On this basis, we must need 4 lakh liters of water daily to solve the water problem in the village. So firstly to solve this problem we should have to do community partnerships with local governments. And start building the tanks that have the capacity to store 4 lakh liters of water. For running this project we need a large field near the water source. The field must cover the area of 60 bigga. And also before starting the project we must have the following licenses and documents :

  1.  Small scale industry registration certificate

  2. AOA and MOA of the business

  3. ISI certification from Bureau of Nepal Standards (BIS)

  4. Pollution control certificate from the local pollution board office

  5. Feedwater test report from the laboratory

  6. Pest control certificate

We, villagers, are planning to make rasuwa khola as the source of water. This river is located 20 kilometers from Gaighat Bazar. The water of the river is clean and most probably the pure. We have to bring the water to a 4 lakh liter storage tank through underground tunneling. The estimated length of the tunnel will be about 5 kilometers. Before water is stored in the tunnel, it should have to be filtered also to do that water is passed through various purification chamber and finally kept inside storage tank by treating water with disinfection iodine and chlorine to kill various harmful bacteria in water and finally it is distributed to villagers through the taps.

Estimated budget

According to the economic report, the estimated budget for this project will be 20 crores. Triyuga municipality is giving 15 crores for this project and the state government has also provided 4 crores for this project. Another 1 crores cost will be reduced by the villagers. We villagers will also be working in the project to reduce the cost. 


After completion of this project, there will not be any water shortage problem in triyuga-11. We villagers hope, the project will soon be started and reduce the water scarcity problem in the village.